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Tri Peaks City

Build a city while playing tri peaks solitaire in this fun combination of a classic card game and a city building game. While solving levels you'll earn streets, railroads and rivers to build connections between the different buildings on the map.

Tri Peaks solitaire is played by moving all cards from the board to the base card on the bottom, you can click cards that have a value that's one lower or one higher than the base card. If you don't see anymore moves, you can pick a card from the stack of upside down cards. Solve a level multiple times in a row for a bigger reward!

Use the rewarded tiles to connect the buildings on the world map and complete the city's infrastructure. When unlocking a new location, you'll unlock 5 new levels to be played. If you need a specific tile to create a route, you can always head over to the shop and buy it, if you've saved up enough money.

The game includes a huge amount of achievement medals that may take you quite a while to unlock.

Medals: 39
Points: 485
Rating: 5.00 - 1 vote

0 / 39Medals

Register or login to earn achievements!
achievementWell Rounded
Well Rounded
5 points
Complete round 3 of a level.
achievementAll Rounded
All Rounded
10 points
Complete round 5 of a level.
achievement10 Left On Stack
10 Left On Stack
5 points
Complete a level with 10 or more cards unturned.
achievement15 Left On Stack
15 Left On Stack
10 points
Complete a level with 15 or more cards unturned.
achievementSmall Streak
Small Streak
5 points
Play at least 5 cards before picking from stack.
achievementMedium Streak
Medium Streak
10 points
Play at least 10 cards before picking from stack.
achievementLarge Streak
Large Streak
15 points
Play at least 15 cards before picking from stack.
achievementCount Up
Count Up
5 points
Play at least 5 cards in a row that count up in value.
achievementCount Down
Count Down
10 points
Play at least 5 cards in a row that count down in value.
achievementWildcard Win
Wildcard Win
5 points
Win by placing the final card on top of the wildcard.
achievement5 Levels
5 Levels
5 points
Complete 5 different levels.
achievement10 Levels
10 Levels
10 points
Complete 10 different levels.
achievement25 Levels
25 Levels
15 points
Complete 25 different levels.
achievement50 Levels
50 Levels
20 points
Complete 50 different levels.
achievement100 Levels
100 Levels
25 points
Complete 100 different levels.
achievement5 Locations
5 Locations
5 points
Unlock 5 locations
achievement10 Locations
10 Locations
15 points
Unlock 10 locations.
achievement20 Locations
20 Locations
25 points
Unlock 20 locations.
achievement10 Roads
10 Roads
5 points
Reach a total road length of 10 tiles.
achievement50 Roads
50 Roads
10 points
Reach a total road length of 50 tiles.
achievement100 Roads
100 Roads
15 points
Reach a total road length of 100 tiles.
achievement250 Roads
250 Roads
20 points
Reach a total road length of 250 tiles.
achievement500 Roads
500 Roads
25 points
Reach a total road length of 500 tiles.
achievement5 Railroads
5 Railroads
5 points
Reach a total rail length of 5 tiles.
achievement25 Railroads
25 Railroads
10 points
Reach a total rail length of 25 tiles.
achievement50 Railroads
50 Railroads
15 points
Reach a total rail length of 50 tiles.
achievement100 Railroads
100 Railroads
20 points
Reach a total rail length of 100 tiles.
achievement250 Railroads
250 Railroads
25 points
Reach a total rail length of 250 tiles.
achievement5 Rivers
5 Rivers
5 points
Reach a total river length of 5 tiles.
achievement25 Rivers
25 Rivers
10 points
Reach a total river length of 25 tiles.
achievement50 Rivers
50 Rivers
15 points
Reach a total river length of 50 tiles.
achievement100 Rivers
100 Rivers
20 points
Reach a total river length of 100 tiles.
achievement250 Rivers
250 Rivers
25 points
Reach a total river length of 250 tiles.
achievement10 Destroyed
10 Destroyed
5 points
Remove 10 roads, rails or rivers.
achievement50 Destroyed
50 Destroyed
10 points
Remove 50 roads, rails or rivers.
achievement100 Destroyed
100 Destroyed
15 points
Remove 100 roads, rails or rivers.
5 points
Own at least five thousand dollars
10 points
Own at least ten thousand dollars
15 points
Own at least twentyfive thousand dollars

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