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Mushroom Fairy

Medals: 14
Points: 90
Rating: Not rated yet

0 / 14Medals

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achievementFantastic Five
Fantastic Five
5 points
Create a match of 5 mushrooms in a row.
achievementGreen Tip
Green Tip
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
achievementBlue Lightning
Blue Lightning
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
achievementFly Agaric
Fly Agaric
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
achievementPink Twirls
Pink Twirls
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
achievementTurquoise Saucer
Turquoise Saucer
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
achievementGrey Trumpet
Grey Trumpet
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
achievementPink Volcano
Pink Volcano
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
achievementCurvy Bagpipes
Curvy Bagpipes
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
achievementPurple Umbrella
Purple Umbrella
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
achievementYellow Flower
Yellow Flower
5 points
Match 500 of the same mushrooms.
25 points
Match a total of 10.000 mushrooms of any type.

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